9월 5, 2021의 게시물 표시

.Trigger Identified for “Head-to-Tail” Axis Development in Human Embryo

mss(magic square system)master:jk0620 http://blog.naver.com/mssoms http://jl0620.blogspot.com http://jk0620.tripod.com https://www.facebook.com/junggoo.lee.9   .저에게도 코로나 19는 빗겨가지 않았습니다. 저에게 코로나19 확진 판정이 있어,  먼 의료기관에 10일간 격리기간이 있었습니다. 지난 달 8월26일에서 9월5일까지는 저에게 휴식 시간이 였고 노년에 건강이 그 얼마나 중요한지 새삼스레 깨닫았습니다. 별로 큰 증세가 없어 먹고자는 일이 전부이였습니다. 지금 현재, 전세계에는 확진자가 2.19억명에 사망자가 455만이라 합니다. 무서운 세상입니다. 건강을 잘 지키고 코로나 19을 잘 이겨내고 행복한 일상을 찾으십시요. COVID-19 has not escaped me either. I was diagnosed with COVID-19, and there was a 10-day quarantine period at a distant medical institution. Last month, August 26th to September 5th was a break for me, and I realized how important health is in old age. There were no major symptoms, and all I had to do was eat and sleep. As of now, there are 219 million confirmed cases worldwide and 4.55 million deaths. It's a scary world. Take good care of your health, overcome COVID-19 well, and find a happy daily life.       .Trigger Ident...