.Lasers and molecular tethers create perfectly patterned platforms for tissue engineering
mss(magic square system)master:jk0620 http://blog.naver.com/mssoms http://jl0620.blogspot.com http://jk0620.tripod.com https://www.facebook.com/junggoo.lee.9 I've been at the edge of a long haggling life. I have always lived a normal life among people. The bright rays of nature shining through the dry branches on a cold winter day gave me warmth, but I always walked on the streets of the city at night wet with rain under the signboard lights on the street. On my younger day, before marriage, I used to watch my lover while enjoying martinis at a college wine house cafe. Memories slowly faded from memory for a long time. Wherever the world comes from, it will look like things that have disappeared or never existed in the first place, unless you stay in memory. Now I feel like I am connected. It seems to be connected with life, the dead, the other world of the earth or the lower world of the alien world. 나는 오랜동안 서성거린 삶의 언저리에 있었다. 사람들 틈에서 늘 평범하게 살아왔다. 추운 겨울날에 마른 나뭇가지 사...